Westgold Resources Limited Annual Report 2020

Gold Sales Cash Cost/oz ASIC/oz QTR GOLD PRODUCTION OZ’S COST PER OZ 0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 35,000 0 300 600 900 1,200 1,500 1,800 Sep Q 2019 Dec Q 2019 Mar Q 2020 Jun Q 2020 Gold Sales 23,360 26,677 22,740 30,318 Cash Cost/oz 1,037 1,202 1,208 1,249 AISC/oz 1,360 1,551 1,500 1,587 MGO Gold Production & A$ Cost of Sales Bluebird Processing Plant 15 Westgold Resources Limited Annual Report 2020 Bore Project north of Meekatharra as well as the Nannine Project proximal to Lake Annean, where a trial pit at Aladdin in 2019 produced encouraging results, prompting a plan for returning to full-scale surface mining in the area in 2021. During the FY2020 there was a consistent performance at MGO with gold sales totalling 103,95oz at an average cash cost (C1) of A$1,171/ oz .and an all in sustaining cost of A$1,496/oz . An overall segment profit of $8.38 million. MGO has been the base-load gold output for Westgold over the past 4 years averaging about 105,000oz per annum. Going forward expected long-term output of 105 – 120,000oz per annum is planned.